eos ambassadors

Amoghavarsha JS

Wildlife Cinematographer


After completing his bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Amoghavarsha joined Amazon as a Software Engineer. He quit his job in 2008 to pursue his passion for wildlife photography. He then started his own media company, Mudskipper in the year 2016.

An eye for capturing stories of the natural world and his deep roots in technology make Amoghavarsha a unique voice in telling stories of earth and its inhabitants. Having worked with National Geographic and BBC, his work has been exhibited and appreciated across the world and won international awards. He is one of the makers of the first ever Wildlife Documentary ever to be released in Indian theaters. His work on climate change has been showcased in the United Nations Climate Change Conference (Paris) by Indian Prime Minister and the French President but also at the UN general assembly (New York) amidst a gathering of world leaders. He has been invited by various international forums to present his work on the use of media and technology in conservation including University of California (Los Angeles) and the Australian government. Amoghavarsha believes the greater journey for him is to build bridges using these portals between consciousness, thus fading the separation between humans and their fellow beings.


Social Links

Instagram: @amoghavarsha
Web/YouTube: www.mudskipper.in