Look who is hiding
Abdul Basit
Portrait Photography
Time to freeze
Abdul Basit
Portrait Photography
Freezing time
Abdul Basit
Portrait Photography
The sun of conflict zone
Abdul Basit
Portrait Photography
Beauty is truth, truth beauty that is all ye know on earth and all ye need to know.
Abdul Basit
Portrait Photography
Natural water grinder which is used to crush maize and rice.
Abdul Basit
Portrait Photography
Children of conflict
Abdul Basit
Portrait Photography
If everyone were Sufi there would have been no conflict & war
Abdul Basit
Portrait Photography
Shrine of Baba Reshi
Abdul Basit
Portrait Photography
Baba Reshi Masjid
Abdul Basit
Portrait Photography
Don't let their laughters befool you, they have been thrust on them
Abdul Basit
Portrait Photography