eos influencer

Asif Khan

Street & Travel Photographer


Asif Khan is a Pune based self-taught Street & Travel photographer and an engineering graduate who has got an artistic eye through which he captures beautiful images. He has developed his own unique style through which he produces innovative pieces of work where the audience is left to wonder in awe and a sense of mystery as to what the circumstances of the capture might have been. Popular as @theotherelement on social media . Asif has been holding numerous workshops/talks/photo walks in Pune & different cities, including various colleges and universities. He has done brand campaigns for several leading brands in India. His photos and videos have been regularly featured in several news articles. He has built a growing community on his Instagram page by documenting the streets and his travels through photos and videos.


  • Lokmat Digital Influencer Award 2022: Category Macro
  • Interview featured in National electronic media channel
  • Judge and Speaker at Renowned educational institution
  • Content Creator for various platforms

Social Links

Instagram: @theotherelement