eos maestro

Rahul Sachdev

Wildlife Photographer


Rahul Sachdev has been actively involved in wildlife photography since 2004 and has over the years built a strong portfolio which is recognised for its unique use of light and creativity. He has been conducting wildlife photography tours and workshops around the globe for over 10 years now, with the focus being to teach how to use light in wildlife photography. Rahul believes that a photographer has to bring forth the artist within and use wildlife photography as a medium to present ones own vision of the world. His images and articles about photography have been published in many magazines and he has also won the Natures Best Photography Award in 2017 for Wildlife which is one of the most prestigious awards in the category.


  • Natures Best Photography Award in 2017 for Wildlife

  • Honorary Mention in multiple Sanctuary Asia Awards

  • Commended Image in Bird POTY 2019

Social Links

Instagram: @rahulsphotography