CEO Message

Corporate Social Responsibility is an integral part of Canon India’s DNA and a reflection of our corporate ethos. At Canon, we are driven by our corporate philosophy of Kyosei, wherein we strongly believe in developing a culture in which all people, regardless of race, religion or culture, harmoniously live and work together for the common good. It is indeed heart-warming to see everyone at Canon India carrying the sentiment of community development in the daily operations.

CIPL’s CSR endeavour ‘Canon India Involve’ has witnessed many milestones in this journey of community upliftment by creating positive impact in our core areas of ‘4E’s- Education, Environment, Empowerment and Eye care.

With global outbreak of COVID-19, people across countries have been profoundly impacted.

At Canon, we took it as our responsibility to extend our solidarity and enabled our adopted communities to combat this pandemic. As part of our CSR outreach, we commenced a slew of special initiatives last year to ensure the well-being and safety of our communities.

Our employees across regions hold CSR programmes close to their hearts and actively participate in the engagement activities, which is being done virtually at present.

I am looking forward to connecting with all our stakeholders and contribute to the community in the years to come and strive to bring smiles on many faces in our adopted villages.

    • Sincerely,
    • Manabu Yamazaki
    • President and CEO

Our Impact

With our continuous support, we aim to drive meaningful and welfare driven initiatives to impact more lives and make our communities future-ready.

The engagement between the employees and the children is on varied subjects including hygiene, environment-related education, tree plantation, photography workshops, among other activities. All the activities are thought and planned across all corners of the country to support holistic development of the children.


Volunteers Involved


Beneficiaries Impacted

Employee Engagement Activity

Canon India CSR Policy

Canon India is committed towards improving the quality of lives of people in the communities in which we operate. We wish to be a company which is respected by people for its commitment towards social causes.

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