Elegant tiger portrait
Nilangshu Katriar
Wildlife Photography
Nilangshu Katriar
Wildlife Photography
The morning catch …
Nilangshu Katriar
Wildlife Photography
Jawai hills Leopard
Nilangshu Katriar
Wildlife Photography
White Pelicans or the Rosy Pelicans at Little Rann of Kutch
Nilangshu Katriar
Wildlife Photography
The stare back ...
Nilangshu Katriar
Wildlife Photography
Handsome young tiger Bandhavgarh
Nilangshu Katriar
Wildlife Photography
Swamp Deer or Barasingha
Nilangshu Katriar
Wildlife Photography
Young gun at Bandhavgarh
Nilangshu Katriar
Wildlife Photography
The Royal one ...
Nilangshu Katriar
Wildlife Photography